SigEp’s Kentucky Eta chapter at Murray State has taken some extraordinary steps to reach and recruit high-quality men during this unique semester. Rather than going completely virtual, it has been able to operate both remotely and in person, while keeping guests and potential new members safe — and impressed. The chapter normally holds a Balanced…
An extraordinary effort in extraordinary times — Murray State’s successful Balanced Man Scholarship
SigEp’s Kentucky Eta chapter at Murray State has taken some extraordinary steps to reach and recruit high-quality men during this unique semester. Rather than going completely virtual, it has been able to operate both remotely and in person, while keeping guests and potential new members safe — and impressed. The chapter normally holds a Balanced…
Murray State SigEp Awarded Buchanan Cup
Kentucky Epsilon adds another Buchanan Cup to the collection!
Chapter Announces New Chapter Site
Our chapter recently created a new website. Check out this post to learn more about all the functionality of the new site!